Chetcuti Cauchi


Malta provides international families and entrepreneurs a variety of routes to residency and citizenship, suiting different objectives. Below are some of the considerations prospective applicants should take into account:

Tax Considerations

The family’s level of integration with Malta during the naturalisation process may constitute sufficient evidence of tax residence in Malta.

Res non-doms in Malta are only subject to tax on foreign income if remitted to Malta, hence the need for pre-immigration tax planning for all transfers to Malta required for a citizenship or residency application.

Due Diligence Considerations

The following form the bases for a successful residency and citizenship application:

• A reputable personal and business profile.
• A disclosure of assets and legitimate source of wealth.
• A clear Schengen and US immigration record.
• An assessment of the implications and extent of indirect political exposure.
• An assessment of any adverse media.
• Potential for future sanctioning.
• The general reputation of the family.
• Current and proposed personal, business, investment and philanthropic activities in Malta.

Full disclosure to your lawyers of all potential background factors, within the protection of client-lawyer privilege, is always advisable so that a proper assessment of eligibility can be made early in the process.

Priscilla Mifsud Parker
Jean-Philippe Chetcuti
Antoine Saliba Haig

Property Investing Considerations

Purchasing a property under one of Malta’s investment migration routes, although optional, is an important sign of the family’s commitment to becoming Maltese. Some of the considerations for property buyers:
• Obtaining any special (AIP) permits required to acquire property in Malta outside Special Designated Areas.
• Compliance of the property unit and the project or development with planning, health and safety and environmental regulations.
• Professional valuations and verification of proper legal title of the target property.

Business Considerations

Malta acts as a springboard for international businesses to invest and do business in Europe.
Setting up a branch, subsidiary or group company in Malta creates a foothold for any international business within the European market.

For more information, get in touch:

Telephone:+356 22056200
Or visit:
Adress: 120, St Ursula Street, Valletta, MALTA

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